Nursing HeadQuarters
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Highest Paying States for Nurses (Adjusted for Cost of Living)
To calculate the highest paying states and adjust for this, we took the average annual cost of living for a single adult in the United States ($31,5121), multiplied it by the Cost of Living Index2, and then subtracted that amount from the average nurse's salary for...

8 Things to Research Before a Nurse Interview
When applying for a job, it’s important to come equipped with knowledge about the company that you’re applying to. This is true whether you are preparing for an interview or searching for an employer to apply to that fits your needs. Researching the employer gives the...

Image of the Month: A Halloween Scare
Johns Hopkins researchers have made one of their spookiest findings yet. Humans are turning i n v i s i b l e.Well sort of. Researchers found that when exposed to DEET, the neurons in the anopholes mosquito's nose did not fire indicating that when humans wear...

Know Your ABGs – Arterial Blood Gases Explained
An arterial blood gases (ABG) test is a blood test that measures the acidity, or pH, and the levels of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from an artery. The test is used to check the function of the patient’s lungs and how well they are able to move...

3 Real Nurses React To ‘Nurses’ TV Show
Now, I know Hollywood hasn’t always been friendly with how they portray the nurse role in scripted shows and movies. And, we real nurses catch on to literally everything - I know we’ve all seen the memes when equipment, scenarios, or responses aren’t realistic. While...

I’m A Nurse And I Grieve – How To Cope With Patient Death
Follow @Wali_khann on Instagram Picture this, you arrive to work, receive the assignment and mentally begin to prepare for the task at hand. You create an outline in your mind and on paper of how the next twelve hours will go. You receive the report at the...
CDC Disease of the Week: Shigellosis
[shig·el·lo·sis] Shigellosis is a diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella. Most people get shigellosis after having close contact with an infected person, eating or drinking contaminated food or water, or touching contaminated surfaces...

Researchers Find Handwritten Opioid Prescriptions are More Prone to Mistakes
In a small study of opioid prescriptions filled at a Johns Hopkins Medicine outpatient pharmacy, researchers found that handwritten orders for the drugs contribute heavily to a trio of prescribing and processing errors in contrast to those created electronically.