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Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Early identification of TB is vital to the patient’s morbidity and mortality and decreasing the potential transmission to others. Around 33% of the population has latent TB; this means they... by | | Learn
Early AMD Currently, no treatment exists for early AMD, which in many people shows no symptoms or loss of vision. Your eye care professional may recommend that you get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year. The exam will help determine if your... by | | Learn
Types of Treatment Behavioral Treatments Behavioral treatments are aimed at changing drinking behavior through counseling. They are led by health professionals and supported by studies showing they can be beneficial. Medications Three medications are currently... by | | Learn
Burden of Disease Health Disparities Recent studies indicate that lupus incidence rates are almost three times higher in black women than white women, and affect 1 in 537 young African American women.14,15 Minority women tend to develop lupus at a younger age,... by | | Learn
What is appendicitis? Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis is the leading cause of emergency abdominal operations. What is the appendix? The appendix is a fingerlike pouch attached to the large intestine in the lower right area of the... by | | Learn
Staging There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body. Cancer can spread through tissue, the lymph system, and the blood: Tissue. The cancer spreads from where it began by growing into nearby areas. Lymph system. The cancer spreads from where it began by...
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