Nursing HeadQuarters
For Nurses, By Nurses
Looking for a blog written for nurses by nurses? CEHQ offers content on the clinical side of nursing, but also the human side. Read from nurses first hand as they navigate personal and professional issues and get up to date on medical research and health conditions.
Nurse Life
Read about topics like nurse shortages, parenting on the night-shift, and how to fill your nutrition on a 12 hour shift.
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Catch up on today’s medical break-throughs and exciting new research.

Nurses for Peace
Join nurses across the world in solidarity with the nurses of Ukraine. Banners, social media tiles and other campaign resources can be downloaded here, and nurses can sign the #NursesforPeace petition here. ICN encourages campaign supporters to post photos of...

Future-Proof the Healthcare System
Thousands of doctors and nurses from across the globe reveal what is needed to fill gaps and future-proof today’s healthcare system in a new report from Elsevier Health, published two years after the COVID-19 pandemic began. The comprehensive “Clinician of the Future”...
Creating Educational Videos
Want to create educational nursing content, but stumped on how to begin? Here’s some helpful tips on how to get started! Plan the scope of your content Our educational programs are based off of 50-60 minutes of content + 10 minutes for the nurse to answer questions....

National Nurses Week – 2023
National Nurses Week takes place between May 6th and May 12th. Thank you to all our nurses! Learn more about the history of the week here: The History of National Nurses Week | ANA (

Immunization Awareness Month
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. As a nurse, you know the importance of keeping vaccines up-to-date, but how do you communicate that to your patients? Learn more here:

Healthy Vision
Your vision is critical. July is Health Vision month. Learn ways you can keep your eyes healthy:
Cushing Syndrome Diagnosis
How do healthcare providers diagnose Cushing syndrome? Diagnosing Cushing syndrome can be complex and difficult. This syndrome is easier to recognize once it develops fully, but healthcare providers try to diagnose and treat it before it gets to that point. No single...

Image of the Month: Nodding Off
The longer someone stays awake, the more likely they’ll start to nod off as their brain needs sleep. But how the brain senses that need for sleep hasn’t always been clear. Now, neurologists like Mark Wu, are investigating how this brain function works. He and his...

Image of the Month: Losing your smell
Why do people with COVID-19 lose their sense of smell? Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers believe it could be because the virus first enters through the cells in our noses. The researchers found that the cells that allow our sense of smell to function carry up to...

Image of the Month: Stripped Away
There is a protective coating around our nerve cells that helps our central nervous system send messages swiftly across our bodies. This insulation, called myelin, is damaged by a variety of so called “demyelinating diseases,’ the most common of which is multiple...

Image of the Month: Beautiful Sadness
Who knew that a product of sadness could be so beautiful? There are three different types of human tears: basal (which keep the eyes wet), reflex (which occur with eye irritation), and emotional (which spring up with strong feelings). Each type has a distinct chemical...

Image of the Month: Bacterial Sweet Tooth
Humans aren’t the only organisms with a sweet tooth, bacteria love sweets too. With a new medical imaging technique developed by pediatrician Alvaro Ordonez and a team of researchers, PET scans can capture images of infection-causing bacteria in the human body with...